Total Annihilation: Kingdoms
Total Annihilation: Kingdoms
In these epic quests, immortal sibling monarchs are locked in a massive campaign to rule the land of Darien. Build your legions of armies, hone your magic skills, and gather your resources to wage war on an epic field of battle. Full 3-D graphics, multiplaying capabilities, and an online gaming community add to the adventure. Massive armies will clash. Forests and cities will burn. Tremendous magical forces will level entire castles in the blink of an eye. The balance of power lies here in your hands.

*<a href=[You must login to view link]>Total Annihilation Universe (Community portal)</a>
*<a href=[You must login to view link]>Total Annihilation Kingdoms Heaven Forums</a>
*<a href=[You must login to view link]>Total Annihilation Kingdoms Downloads</a>

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