TIW 2020 Map votes


Дата причоединения 4 de ���� de 2013
Размещено20 de ������� de 2020 - 15:05
I don't think we should start taking maps out, only applying fair rules. How on earth is zotten NOT similar to lustful? All I'm asking for is consistency. Let us pick 2x Dodgeball, and you can pick zotten/lustful.

i agree but give us Cba/Hero aswell then
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Дата причоединения 8 de ������� de 2010
Размещено20 de ������� de 2020 - 15:14
The entire point of TIW is that people come out of their comfort zone and actually play in the opponents' ballpark.
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Дата причоединения 24 de ������� de 2018
Размещено20 de ������� de 2020 - 15:20
The difference in the 2 Dodgeballs is greater than that of the difference in lustful Vs zotten. I can empirically prove that if nesecery. Realistically nobody wants to play either, if a clan is allowed to pick lustful and zotten as their 2 tg picks, count us out. This is already a tournament made for 'build players', stop crying to get your own way.

empirically you can prove that? Ok prove it empirically man, go nuts.
I'm assuming you haven't tried zotten blood right.

Remember when i suggested using the map pack of the war between Eot and xCs?
Remember thinking it was not a good idea because you dislike CBX? How on earth did you think this would turn out? Anyway have fun with double dodgeball, Europe and zotten.

If you make a lustful/zotten rule without putting it to a vote you may consider me out.
If you want to remove the dodgeball rule i can understand somewhat (even though it doesn't make sense because the ground rules were that only one version of a map could be picked, double dodge shouldn't even be in if you ask me), but then i agree with Camp, then they should be able to pick CBA and CBA hero in the same round as well.
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Дата причоединения 29 de ������ de 2013
Размещено20 de ������� de 2020 - 15:26
Army? What do you think bro
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Дата причоединения 30 de ������ de 2012
Размещено20 de ������� de 2020 - 15:30
I don't dislike cbx at all lol. Where did u get that from?

Both versions were specified so both in, u cant argue with that.

Your comments aren't relevant nhoobish, the discussion is about rules not maps directly. There is 1 rule for some maps and no rules for others... I want fairness and consistency.

How is it fair to say oh u must use this map version or mod, but only apply it to 1 map (rcb case), how is it fair to only allow 1 x Dodgeball version per tg set but then allow maps which are equally similar to both be picked?

As I keep saying, I respect democracy so I don't want to remove maps, I just want fairness and consistency.
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Дата причоединения 29 de ������ de 2013
Размещено20 de ������� de 2020 - 15:45
Yes let's allow both dodgeballs in TG set and not CBA/Hero or Lustful/Zotten. That will really prove who the best CS clan is!

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Дата причоединения 26 de ������� de 2014
Отредактировано20 de ������� de 2020 - 15:5624_King_
The maps were voted.
It is absurd not to be able to choose CBA / Hero, when you have 2 vetoes to veto those maps,
What is the problem? You have vetos to use on maps that you don't like.

Similar? please every map has his mode of play
Lustful/ Zotten
CBA/ Hero
Woa/ Graves
Dodgeball v5/ v10
KM/ Smosh
Cbx/ Byo cb

They were voted maps, and they should be able to choose. Each clan has 2 veto to use.

//Fairness and consistency? Youre funny 11, clown.
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Дата причоединения 8 de ������� de 2010
Размещено20 de ������� de 2020 - 15:52
I respect Army and his tournament. ;whistling
You should consider this enlightened monarchy or something, not democracy.
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Дата причоединения 30 de ������ de 2012
Размещено20 de ������� de 2020 - 15:58
Yes let's allow both dodgeballs in TG set and not CBA/Hero or Lustful/Zotten. That will really prove who the best CS clan is!


Did you even read my post? Or are you just that dumb?
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Дата причоединения 30 de ������ de 2012
Размещено20 de ������� de 2020 - 15:59
24_King_ wrote:
The maps were voted.
It is absurd not to be able to choose CBA / Hero, when you have 2 vetoes to veto those maps,
What is the problem? You have vetos to use on maps that you don't like.

Similar? please every map has his mode of play
Lustful/ Zotten
CBA/ Hero
Woa/ Graves
Dodgeball v5/ v10
KM/ Smosh
Cbx/ Byo cb

They were voted maps, and they should be able to choose. Each clan has 2 veto to use.

//Fairness and consistency? Youre funny 11, clown.

I've never voted for CBA/hero to be only 1 pick in tg. You clearly really are that dumb, read my comments .. you just look like an uneducated kid.
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Дата причоединения 4 de ���� de 2014
Размещено20 de ������� de 2020 - 16:00
He is dumb.
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Дата причоединения 26 de ������� de 2014
Размещено20 de ������� de 2020 - 16:26
I am not responding to you, the world doesnt revolve around you, it is a general approach, genius.

 I just find it funny that you talk about 'fairness and consistency', that's all.
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Дата причоединения 7 de ������� de 2014
Отредактировано20 de ������� de 2020 - 16:40[Eot_]Anonymous821
i agree but give us Cba/Hero aswell then
'give us'
that pretty much explains your entire attitude. This tournament isn't about you, and it's not about trading 'benefits', it's about making a balanced tournament that promotes variety for everyone.

My understanding from armys posts is the following:

in TG you can only select one of each as a home map:
- Dodgeball
- Lustful/zotten
- CBA/Hero

This is the same format as previous TIW's with CBA/Hero, but expanded to dodgeball and zotten (since we didn't have these similar maps in previous TIW's).. i mean realistically you're lucky zotten is even in considering it's a map that is not on any ladder and literally never played, and you guys colluded to include it to gain an advantage.

Frankie can you please correct me if i'm misunderstanding? To me this seems perfectly logical if the goal of the tournament is diversity

We really need to get these rules nailed down and less ambiguous if the sets are starting soon.
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Дата причоединения 26 de ������� de 2014
Размещено20 de ������� de 2020 - 16:46
And there will be diversity, stop manipulating the word.
Each clan have 2 vetoes in your hands to use them.

Woa / Graves
KM / Smosh

They are very similar maps, and nobody is asking for a rule for them, since they were voted, and I will have 2 vetoes to veto some map that I don't want to play..
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Дата причоединения 23 de ������� de 2011
Отредактировано20 de ������� de 2020 - 16:58_IYIastA_
Seems fair to me to group similar maps. As there is an immunity you will be guaranteed one map anyway.


I can't see the complication here. They are all about the same level of similar whilst not being identical. If Gwarz/Drow or Daze/Smosh were in there it would be the same result ideally.

Woa/Graves and KM/Smosh are not remotely the same.

Km is a multi-unit store map where there is no rushing until late game. Smosh is a versatile archer map in TG.
Woa and graves both involve resource management and both are bloods, if you want to call them the same map you might as well make it so CBA Hero and Herofest Rams are the same map under the rules.

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