Community Forums > Voobly Community > Age of Empires II: The Conquerors > Random Map > How can a massive Elite Janissary army be countered?

How can a massive Elite Janissary army be countered?


Размещено15 de ������� de 2015 - 19:01
10 cobras mayne..
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Размещено25 de ������� de 2015 - 11:11
Simply just send a few rams fwd so they hit the rams

Leave skirms/arbs behind to do the damage & a few onagers, maybe throw in a bunch of hussars if you have the full upgrades
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Размещено13 de ������ de 2016 - 11:56
Arbalists & seige

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Размещено2 de �������� de 2016 - 08:18
with vikings arbalests as early as possible
if both imped around equal time, vikings will have better eco - go straight away arba + seige rams & then add pikes
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Размещено26 de ������� de 2017 - 21:12
Wonder why

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