Age2_x1.exe not found


Размещено15 de ������� de 2018 - 20:48
Hi all,

just installed AoE II tc and wanted to start playing. (tried offline games first, that worked perfectly).

now, whenever i join a game on voobly and the game is about to start i fails and i receive the error message (see the image attached) it basically says that age2_x1.exe is in the wrong place (it could be found under C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires II\age2_x1\age2_x1.exe')

so i checked and indeed it wasnt there. So i copied the file into it. now back to the lobby, starting game and the process repeats itself. same error as before. I go back, check and the file is gone again. So after restarting, etc etc. thought I ask you guys if you have an idea why that happens.

thanks for you help.

voobly error.png (размер файла: 21.47 KB)

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Voobly Team

Размещено15 de ������� de 2018 - 21:05
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