Back up and running (Rainbow Six)


Размещено27 de ���� de 2016 - 07:03
Hades is a chump
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Размещено27 de ���� de 2016 - 07:22
;upsdown ;alucard ;1st GO
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Отредактировано28 de ������� de 2016 - 05:23RatedX
come to rs, r6 is dead
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Размещено6 de ������� de 2016 - 00:16
damn sean, i would say i have not talked to you in 15 years?

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Отредактировано26 de ������� de 2016 - 07:23t0mClanCy_rwr
hilarious kids typing/reading on r6 forums where they host the game mind you.. instead of playin a few -they refuse to play RS like most R6'ers do...due to run spped).. relax rated.. RS dead too.r6ers know its been dead, you sound like an ****'s about supporting -both- games if anything.. your attempts of recruiting r6'ers is a total fail..
I bring them over to RS since 2013 voob. both are great to match for fun.. r6 takes more skill-

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