remember me?


Размещено3 de ������� de 2013 - 00:54
throughout many years of boosing and narcotics its difficult for me to remember some of my own names or clans.. i do remember shortly being a ref on xl... i think?

anyway, my names i remember were:

Radius, prizm, rampage

I practically played on all servers..

I remember a few guys.. zenith, thallis (turd), LaZy, Mack , menehune, pen, damn cannot remember anymore...

I remember being in a clan Called MI (mirror image) Radius|suidaR (was tag)

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Размещено4 de ������� de 2013 - 10:46
Most of the names you mentioned are ex MFX players if I recall. None of those guys are around anymore just random straglers here and there that drag up after a few months every now and then.
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Размещено14 de ������ de 2017 - 05:12
I remember mirror image. I believe i was in it :)

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