Hide Map (2020)


Размещено10 de ��� de 2020 - 04:18
This is a Map usually used by 1vs1:

1.-Start with poblation 5/200 and 500 of all Materials (5 aldeans, any civilitazion).
2.-1 aldean in Urban Center, must search for other aldeans.
3.- Campaments of wood, minerals and berries are already created.
4.-700 of food for advance feudal age, 900 food and 100 gold for castle age and 1000 food and 400 gold for imperial age.
5.-All the map are explored.
6.-Asedians machines and creation of walls are no allowed in this map.
7.-Finally, game speed is normal.

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Размещено13 de ������� de 2021 - 20:16
This submission will not receive a score as there is no map uploaded.

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